Akali Baba Buddha Dal Shastars
Great to be interviewed by BBC Radio Leicester in relation to the shastars brought to Leicester by Balbir Singh Nihang Buddha Dal.
Great to see some of historic Shastars related to the Gurus and Shaheeds (Martyrs). A rare opportunity by Balbir Singh Nihang to bring these shastars in his UK tour. Twice i visited Akali Phula Singh Burj in Amritsar but i was unable to see them but today the Shastars came to me.
According to Buddha Dal Tradition these weapons were as follows:
*** Kartar (punchdagger) of Sri Hargobind Sahib
*** Talwar (sword) of Guru Gobind Singh
*** Chakkar (quoit) of Baba Deep Singh
*** Dhaal (Shield) of Baba Fateh Singh
*** Khanjar (Dagger) of Akali Phula Singh
*** Shamsher (sword) of Jassa Singh Ramgarhia
Another highlight was the commentary given by Dhadhi Tarsem Singh Moranwali. I spoke with him briefly he was very happy to hear of my research as well as knowing my pind neighbored his.
It was a great experience to view the holy shastars and one that will never be forgotten.
I would like to thank the Guru Nanak Gurdwara (Holy Bones) committee for supporting the programme and Major Singh Takhar and BBC Radio Leicester.