Sikh Research Conference 2014: Book your place

You can now book your place at the International Sikh Research Conference 2014. Taking place on Saturday 28th June 2014 at the University of Warwick, UK.The annual International Sikh Research Conference (SRC) has been established because there has been a serious neglect of Sikh Studies in the UK. Whilst…

2nd Max Arthur Macauliffe Conference, Ireland 2014

2nd Max Arthur Macauliffe Conference,University College Cork, IrelandSaturday 22 March, 2014Following on from last year’s successful ‘Representing Sikhism’ conference held to mark the centenary of Max Arthur Macauliffe’s death, this year’s Macauliffe conference at UCC aims to highlight the most recent and emerging trends and developments in Sikh…

Sikh Research Conference 2014

Sikh Scholar Gurinder Singh Mann is Co-founder of the SRCThe annual international Sikh Research Conference (SRC) has been established because there has been a serious neglect of Sikh Studies in the UK. Whilst there are many Sikh scholars studying and researching Sikh Studies, the subject is not highly…

Anglo-Sikh Wars: Sikhs betrayed at Christmas

The Khalsa Fauj were betrayed by Lal Singh and Tej Singh on  22nd December 1845 during theAnglo Sikh Wars.Raja Lal Singh, a commander of the Sikhs who gave the battle plans to the British.Raja Lal Singh and Tej Singh again came to the rescue of the English. The…