The Living Guru Granth Sahib exhibtion 2008

In 2008, the New Walk Museum, Leicester held an exhibition to commemorate the 300 years of Gurta Gadi celebrations.The Museum was the only one in the country which had a dedicated a Sikh exhibition to commemorate this auspicious occasion.The museum showcased various exhibits from Sikh manuscripts to documentaries…

Restoring an Old manuscript of Guru Granth Sahib

Restoration project of an old Guru Granth Manuscript.Sikh Lobby Group Quarterly meetingGuru Panth Parkash Gurdwara19 Ashford Road  Leicester LE2 6AA01/04/2012I undertook a brief talk regarding an old manuscript of Guru Granth Sahib which is in need of restoration.I explained how and why we need to preserve our Heritage and why this manuscript needed restoring.…

Guru Nanak Sikh Lecture 2011, Leicestershire

THE ANNUAL GURU NANAK LECTURE The Sikh Welfare and Cultural Society At County Hall, Leicestershire County Hall, Leicester.A brief talk on 25th November 2011 on the Sri Dasam Granth Q and A book at the Guru Nanak Annual Lecture, County Hall , Leicestershire.The main lecture was undertaken by Sir Mota…

Turban of the Sikhs presentation

As part of the Dastar Day programme on 25th September 2011 in conjunction with the Sikh channel.I helped with the Panjab Cultural Association presentation: The Turban of the Sikhs. For more information visit:

Dr Leyden’s Panjabi Translations website

The Panjab Cultural Association (PCA) UK have released the website on the translations of Dr John Leyden. Dr Leyden who was a linguist and translator had gone to India in 1805 and started working on translating several Indian works amongst them was the works related to the Panjab.…

The Lost British accounts of the Sikhs: Lecture report

A report on the lecture by Gurinder Singh Mann on the first English translations of Sikh texts. Prepared by Panjab Cultural Association and 30th November 2011 The British made many inroads with their expansion into the Indian subcontinent. There were many travelers, writers and army personnel who…