Visionary Sikh Art exhibition launches in Leicester
(R-L) Jasbir Mann(Falcon’s Primary School, Councillor Vijay Riyait, Kartar Singh(SMI), Gurinder Singh Mann(SMI), Councillor Manjula Sood, Kerry Grey(LASALS), Raj Mann(SMI), Jasmohan Obhi…
(R-L) Jasbir Mann(Falcon’s Primary School, Councillor Vijay Riyait, Kartar Singh(SMI), Gurinder Singh Mann(SMI), Councillor Manjula Sood, Kerry Grey(LASALS), Raj Mann(SMI), Jasmohan Obhi…
Sikh Museum Initiative given funding for an online museum Objects will be 3d modelled from public and private collections People will be…
A special lecture took place in Leicester on friday 9th December. It was part of a series of events undertaken by the…